
3 Difficulties of Being From the Future


 “I have declared the former things from the beginning; they went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass. Isaiah 48:3

Perhaps every human has some desire or capacity to see something come to pass that doesn’t exist now. It could be a better toaster, a safer car, a better curriculum, a better relationship, a new medicine, a better fuel or smarter cell phone. Maybe because we are created in the image of the Creator-God we can’t help but see things as they should be and try to bring them to pass through our God-given creativity and ingenuity.

This is even truer for Christians who have been reunited with the Creator through Jesus Christ. As the years pass we will see different needs around us that need filling. Over time we may recognize we have a unique way in presenting Christ and His kingdom to meet those needs. I mention in Roadkill Seminary we discover we all have “the message” (the Gospel) to tell the world, but we also have “a message” (our testimony) to tell the world as well. I think we all have a heavenly “FEDEX” package we are called to deliver, incrementally, throughout our time here on earth. We each possess a particular aspect of the “Word” that is becoming flesh in us, and we are the delivery system.

Our gifting motivation may be that of a giver, a server, a teacher, a facilitator, or a mercy person. Our dominate role may be that of a pastor, an evangelist, a homemaker, an attorney or a plumber, but something deeper is being exchanged. Some heavenly substance or DNA is mysteriously being transferred from God’s realm through the “modem” of our being into this realm. This is what makes “Thy kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven” an emerging reality.

The Way We Think God is Using Us and the Way He is Actually Using Us

Through the benefit of hindsight we can recognize how the Lord is using us more than we used to. Our interpretation of what we were supposed to do for God can be shortsighted. We grow in our understanding of what kind of instrument we are in His tool belt; as well as understanding when He is taking us out of His toolbox to use us and when He wants us to stay quietly in place. God’s patience is immeasurable.

One Aspect of Prophetic Ministry is Seeing Part of the Future

I say all that because my FedEx package from heaven has a prophetic aspect to it. The Lord showed me over 35 years ago, albeit through a glass darkly and a slow mind, what has been gradually transpiring over those years. This is a burning message that I cannot shake or suppress, no matter what I have tried. Similar to the calling of John the Baptists, I have desire to see God’s people overcome every mountain of opposition and every valley of excuse, to make straight the way of the Lord in our generation…to see believers “grow up” into the Lord’s Prayer in John 17. Seeing believers mature beyond denominational loyalty and move toward oneness (not sameness) in our communities is what I saw so many years ago. Although we are not there yet, I could go on and on for hours about how things have changed over the years. The conversation and connectivity around the Kingdom of God has never been so widespread and fruitful. It is happening as you read this. It may not be as big or visible as we would like, but God’s best works are often done in a way where believing is seeing.

How about you? Do you see something from the future that God wants to do or is doing? But like you I’m sure the thing you are contending for has at times created certain barriers or burdens in your life. Here are few difficulties of being from the future that you may wrestle with.

#1 – You See Dead People

One of the burdens of being from the future is that most of the people you and I are sent to speak to seem dead to what we are talking about. They don’t know where we are coming from and why we are coming from there in the first place. This is especially true of the time we are living in. There is much slowness of heart and dullness of spirit in our nation today. Many once fired-up believers have wander from the way of life and have settled for “dead” knowledge. Proverbs 21:16 says it like this; A man who wanders from the way of understanding will rest in the congregation of the dead. Yes, there are a lot of dead congregations out there.

Dead peopleWhen Isaiah saw the Lord on the throne and received his great call into ministry he was also sent to a “zombie” nation… Israel. God told him; “Go, and tell this people: ‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ “Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and return and be healed.” Isaiah 6:9, 10. Sometimes we are called to speak things to people who will not receive us nor our message. Our ministry may be more about our testimony being read back to certain people in heaven’s courtroom on judgement day. The good news is, what you are I are facing today is nothing new to God or humankind. Our task is to faithfully convey what we see from the future leaving the results to God.

#2 – You Can Feel Alone

Even though John 17, 1 Corinthians 2, Ephesians 4,  and other Scriptures clearly state the Lord’s intention for unity, I have had leaders in Body of Christ tell me for over 35 years, “it will never happen”. Being from the future can give you the sense of being alone on your mission from God. It’s not actually true, but like Elijah in 1 Kings 19:10, we can Alonefeel like we are the only ones standing in the gap between the way things are and the way they should be. In one sense being alone is what is called for in certain circumstances. After all, if you are a plumber on a house call, I don’t think you would be sad by the fact there aren’t more plumbers at the house. That would be bad for business. I guess what I am trying to convey is that some of what we are called to do requires are aloneness because of the unique way in which God has made us for a particular situation and time. It takes a while for us to realize this, but sometimes we may have something from heaven that not everyone else in the room has. We may feel alone in our specific situation, but just like Elijah we need to remember there are 7000 who haven’t bowed their knee to Baal throughout our community. We should always remember that we are not ‘the” part of what God is doing, we are “a” part of what He is doing.

#3 – It’s Difficult Challenging the Status Quo

One of the more frustrating burdens of being from the future is communicating what we see is really coming to the world or the Body of Christ. (An example of this can be found in what I saw In The Year 2023). For example, one of the things from the future I have seen is the reality of Jerusalem Cities and Antioch Cities, where the Body of Christ in our America cities are recognized more by its geography than the individual signs over our buildings. Where the Church, in one accord, works together with apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and teaching ministries in a given geographic region. (For more insight into this see God’s Ministry Assembly Line or the Top Ten Reasons We Should be Working Together). I see Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done here on earth as a prevailing reality, not just some cute Sunday school memory verse.

Status quo 3In the past, when I spoke about becoming the people Jesus prayed we would be I would get looks from believers and especially leaders, as if I was speaking an ancient dialect they have never heard of. They often looked like they were saying; “Why aren’t you helping me build my church/kingdom instead of this nebulous talk about Christ’s kingdom”? To help believers understand this contemporary blindness I wrote the Epistle to the Church of Sanford to help Christians in my city see what the Apostle Paul would say to us if he showed up in town today.

I think we are experiencing the same thing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. felt in Mississippi in the 1960s, when he said that change was coming to America. He was telling people about a dream he had that one day blacks will be accepted in every walk of life and one day there could even be a black president of the United States. The prevailing culture of his day thought he sounded crazy, someone who was out of touch with reality. But thank God Dr. King was from the future and in touch with a greater reality.

If you and I are following the Lord’s call on our life, we will inevitably be bringing things from heaven, things from the future that this world hasn’t seen or experienced yet. That is why serving God always has a sense of newness about it; because it’s a flowing river of new life from Him that hasn’t been here yet. This is why His mercies are new every morning. Let’s encourage one another to keep saying what we are seeing in the future.

For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Isaiah 46:9, 10

5 Ways We Hinder Our Own Spiritual Journey

5With so many Christians in America giving up on their active pursuit of God, I believe we need to help them diagnose the reasons for their apathy. It seems as if they have the attitude of; “I did the church thing, got the t-shirt and I am over it”. “I don’t see the need or the payoff of seeking hard after God the way I used to”.

Some researchers estimate that tens of millions of evangelical believers have stopped active involvement in a community of believers.  You may find the “12 Reasons” why some believers are actively “unchurching” informative as to why your friends or relatives are no longer part of the traditional church scene. My article “The Church In Transition” addresses why the institutional church may have a blind spot about how we “do” church and why it results in so many dropping out from boredom. In a nutshell, believers need exposure to not only pastoral ministry, but apostolic and prophetic graces to go onto maturity and find spiritual employment in the kingdom of God.

However, on an individual level, some of this apparent lack of passion and zeal for God may be a maturity thing; a realignment of our kinetic, youthful activity to a more balanced and educated approach to God. Perhaps a fuller understanding of the Gospel of Grace and the finished work of Christ reduces the amount of striving in our lives.  In other words, we are no longer driven by the condemnation of the Law and the fear-based, performance trap that comes with it. For more about the Grace Movement you may want to see “In The Year 2023”.

Yet sadly, most Americans haven’t found the sweet spot of a mature marathoner, running toward the prize of the upward call in Christ. They have become spectators who are no longer running the race with patience. Even the sporadic trip to church to appease their conscious is insufficient to dissuade their unconscious “knowing” that they have in reality quit the race altogether.

The following heart issues address some of the wrong thinking that hinder or hurt us on our own spiritual journey that we often are unaware of.

1. The Cain Syndrome – When our human efforts to serve God and fulfill His will have have fallen short of God’s approval or validation, it can leave us feeling dejected on the road of life. We can pause and ask the Lord; “What would you have me to do differently; what are you teaching me in this?” Or, we can respond like Cain; who felt rejected and ended up so angry he murdered his brother and spent the rest of his life aimlessly wandering. What Cain failed to understand is that God didn’t reject him, but his human, sacrificial efforts. If God rejects some human work on our part, it should free us to more fully discover what He really wants… not cause us to quit, hate our brother, criticize the Church and wander through life with no purpose.

This self-life or what some call the sin-nature we all wrestle with, consistently produces a misunderstanding or a miscalculation of God’s ways and leads us to dejection. Listen to how Oswald Chambers describes the danger of this spiritual self-pity.

Every fact that the disciples stated was right, but the conclusions they drew from those facts were wrong. Anything that has even a hint of dejection spiritually is always wrong. If I am depressed or burdened, I am to blame, not God or anyone else. Dejection stems from one of two sources— I have either satisfied a lust or I have not had it satisfied. In either case, dejection is the result. Lust means “I must have it at once.” Spiritual lust causes me to demand an answer from God, instead of seeking God Himself who gives the answer. What have I been hoping or trusting God would do? Is today “the third day” and He has still not done what I expected? Am I therefore justified in being dejected and in blaming God? Whenever we insist that God should give us an answer to prayer we are off track. The purpose of prayer is that we get a hold of God, not of the answer. Dejection spiritually is wrong, and we are always to blame for it. My Upmost For His Highest; February 7.

Entertaining thoughts of self-pity and feeling sorry for yourself hinders your spiritual journey.

2. The Saul Syndrome – I think it was Albert Einstein who said “Premature responsibility breeds superficiality.” In King Saul, Israel’s first king, we see an insecure individual coming to power without the necessary trials and testing that Joseph, Moses or David experienced to prepare them for the weight of leadership. Saul acted in a way that was harmful to his spiritual journey. He was in it more for the accolades and the approval of the crowds than the approval of the Lord. This “fear of man” caused him to react in impulsive ways, worried what the people would say. Saul’s impatience and impertinence to wait of the “pace of grace” led him to further frustration and rejection. When Saul tried to govern his own life and the kingdom without relating properly to the prophetic Word of the Lord, he got off track on his journey and lost everything.   

The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25

Worrying about what others think of you hinders your spiritual journey.

3. The “Little-Big” Blindness – When we are led by our carnal intellectual nature we almost always miss what God is doing and then wrongly conclude God is not working in our lives. It is our addiction to the strong impulses of our flesh that governs us most of the time and keeps us from being sensitive to God’s gentle spiritual impulses. It usually takes many more trials and tribulations to tenderize our hearts in order to hear and feel the subtle whispers and promptings of His Spirit. It’s amazing just how blind and deaf we can be to the Spirit of God. Ironically we have no problem daily using a radio or a cell phone that operates on invisible and inaudible radio waves and tiny bits of micro-electrical impulses. Yet we struggle tuning our human equipment into heaven’s broadcast. In my article “Be Encouraged, God Will Come Into Focus” you may find some perspective.

Failure to recognize God in the smallest acts or events in your life hinders your spiritual journey.

4. The Hitching Post Syndrome – Our intellectual pursuits can lead us to a dead-end. Nowhere is this clearer than watching our government leaders in action (or inaction) these days.  Never have so many intelligent people logically and consistently come to the wrong conclusions. Proverbs 14:2 states; “There is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof is death”. Head knowledge can be “dead knowledge” if it doesn’t become flesh and dwell among us by God’s Spirit. Holding on to the last thing the Lord revealed to us can cause us to die on the vine as well. The Scriptures teach us that heritage is good, landmarks are good, traditions are good, and liturgy is good, if they are used as tools that lead us to a vital, living, experiential God. One of the Ten Commandments states we are to have “No graven images”… even if they are only in our minds. We hurt our spiritual journey when we hold on to what God said at the expense of what God is saying. What should have been a “guide post” becomes a “hitching post” of dead religion and old wineskins. The Lord taught me to distinguish Expectation with Expectancy.

Clinging to what God did in the past in order to feel more in control hinders your spiritual journey. 

5. The Judas Syndrome – We know Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver but the real story is how Judas betrayed himself by not seeing what was truly valuable in his life. He was his own worst enemy. He was riding the popular wave of Jesus Christ Ministries for reasons that were evidently not pure. In truth, some of us unknowingly do the same today. As the treasurer of the ministry perhaps he saw the potential of Jesus’ ministry and a position in His administration as the future king of Israel. He imagined himself moving up the corporate ladder only to find out Jesus’ ladder was leaning on the wrong building in his eyes. The final straw was the “wasteful” use of expensive perfume by Mary upon Jesus. Judas was infuriated at the financial mismanagement. And to make things worse Jesus didn’t rebuke her, but rather praised her while making some remarks about this being for his burial. Burial!? Regardless if Judas fully understood what Jesus’ burial reference meant, he may have gotten a glimpse of Jesus’ “kamikaze mission” and decided to cut and run. The next verse says “Then” Judas went to the High Priest to get the best severance package he could leverage under the circumstances. (Matthew 26-6-15)

There are many in America who stopped following after God simply because they were in it for the wrong reasons. They were trying to fill their financial, emotional or social status bank accounts in hopes it would give them “their idea” of a life of peace and security.

Failure to recognize why you should be following Jesus in the first place hinders your spiritual journey.

If you’ve become bored with God and whole church scene; if you stopped earnestly going after Him it simply means you have gotten your eyes off of the resurrected Jesus. Somehow you became focused on the box or the container He came in. If you are truly beholding Him, you will be captivated by the One who breathes galaxies into existence. This will keep you from being one of the Walking Dead.

What Does It Feel and Look Like When You Are Doing It Right?

Let me let you in on a secret. When your heart is right; when you have been tenderized by life instead of hardened by it because you kept your eyes on Him instead of the problem, you will gladly remain on your spiritual journey.

As you read His word you come with a spirit of expectation that something is always flowing from a limitless God; and it is priceless not matter how small it is. Even something as small as an atom can have an explosive impact in your life. You come with neutral buoyancy, with no agenda and you are willing to be led by Him. There is a childlike sense of wonder and awe at the slightest glimpse of Him and His world. There is a liberating fear of God. When you properly fear or respect God, nothing else scares you. You experience a pride shattering awe, because you are near to an awesome, yet holy power. You are overwhelmed by an intellectual comprehension on the one hand, while receiving the essence of knowing something beyond knowledge on the other. Yes, we are full of God when we yield to the unique knowledge that surpasses human knowledge.

…to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:19

You understand what the apostle Paul meant when he said, we would see with the “eyes of our understanding”. This is where our Spirit is refreshed and our soul is fed with the living water and bread from heaven. Staying on our spiritual journey is a joy when you do it this way. Nothing in this world even comes close to the fulfillment of laying down your old life and following Jesus. Do I have a witness?

The Tension Between Those Who “Defend” And Those Who “Extend” The Faith

Clip 21To help illustrate the tension between Christians and ministry leaders in our cities today, we will initially categorize them into two basic groups. Just as the human heart pumps blood away from it to the body, and back to it, Christian Ministry also flows in two directions. Please allow me the liberty to generalize these groups for our discussion. Those who “Defend the Faith” are primarily Pastoral leaders and Teachers. Those who “Extend the Faith” are primarily Apostolic, Prophetic and Evangelistic leaders. Those who defend the faith are similar to a mom caring for the kids at home. Those who extend the faith are similar to the dad taking the kids with him to work the fields. One is wired to be care-takers, while the other is wired to be risk-takers. For more on this see God’s Ministry Assembly Line.

One camp could be characterized as settlers, the other as pioneers. Some soldiers stay to protect the fort, while others go out to fight. Similar to our early American settlements, some people would be concerned with establishing Boonsboro. The others, like Daniel Boone himself, would be looking over the next mountain ridge to scout out new territory for God. Without our pioneers, the Church would never take ground; without our settlers, the Church would never keep the ground which has been taken.

One group is mostly focused on “Maintaining the People of God”, while the other group is focused on “Advancing the Purposes of God.” One group desires to establish people in Biblical Truth while the other motivates people to exercise Biblical Action.

It is the tension between these two camps that results in much of the disunity among Christian leaders in our cities (even within your church) today. These differences may even be more prevalent than the doctrinal and cultural differences that divide us! In fact, much of the attacks we suspect are from evil spirits working in other people, may actually be our misunderstanding of their gifting.

When a person in ministry doesn’t flow the way we are gifted, we can view them as a hindrance to what we believe God has called us to do. Pastors/teachers may see the emotionally charged or “hyper spiritual” services of the prophets/evangelists, as a carnal or even a demonic attempt to manipulate and coerce the people. Prophets/evangelists sometimes believe the reserved and cerebral emphasis of the pastors/teachers, and perceive they are operating in a dead religious Pharisee spirit. To see this in operation see We Are Jesus Christ Regional Hospital.

This can separate leaders for months or years. Sometimes we spend more time slamming the other camp than we do advancing the kingdom of God. If we remain teachable, the Lord will reveal to us that those other ministers may not be from the devil, but are the other ministry gifts we are supposed to work alongside of.

The balance we and God’s flock need is not found in our own kind, but in those ministers we often minister differently than us. It usually takes years and many broken relationships before the typical minister matures and realizes this fact. Unless a minister has attended “Roadkill Seminary” and experienced true brokenness, he or she won’t be able to  incorporate this revelation into their daily lives. The reason is, we are too busy building our kingdoms, to be bothered with material like this. We all should stay in our lane and stay focused on what the Lord has called us to, but we should also remember, that we are not building our empire or career, we are working with Jesus as He builds HIS Church. Be aware. God is much more concerned about reaching all of you, than He is about you reaching all of the world!

Excerpt from “Working Together for Jesus”

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Overcoming “Anointed” Self-Deception

DeceptionOne of the most common reasons why Christians may divide into different camps even within their own ministry networks or denominations, is how they perceive what God is doing in their lives and ministries. Believers can have tunnel vision, where they only see their perspective. For example, when a Gospel minister operates under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, God Himself is flowing through them to preach, teach, or heal. When we minister like this it can be exhilarating to know that a mere mortal, can be used by Omnipotence to affect another person’s life for eternity. This anointing allows us to experience real results as we operate under the influence and power of the Holy Spirit.

There is no mistaking what is flowing through you now; you know this is God and the people’s response seems to validate it. Not only has this touch of God blessed those you were ministering to, but it also greatly affected your life as well. Fresh in your mind is the new contrast between the “normal you” and the “empowered, anointed you.” Suddenly this contrast exposes weeks, months, even years of un-anointed preaching or teaching in your ministry. Now you are really sure you know what is God and what isn’t God. This is like your first teenage crush; often the emotions are so overwhelming you aren’t even aware of how you are acting.

This “anointed” endorsement convinces you that this fresh view of God certainly must be the ultimate one. This often results in the strong human desire to start building something, by trying to package what you’ve seen and heard or even by starting a new ministry. Read Matthew 17:4:

Then Peter answered and said to Jesus “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

Here we see Peter beholding the transfiguration of Jesus, plus Elijah and Moses. “This is really anointed!” Yet Peter’s desire to build a monument (or a ministry) to this revelation wasn’t the “anointed” thing to do. Peter’s excitement blinded him to the whole purpose of what God was doing. This is “anointed self-deception” and it occurs to all of us at one time. Anointed self-deception is when you are so amazed, even intoxicated by what God is showing you that you are convinced you have the whole picture. You think your understanding of God’s ways is now the way. Our human nature easily gets these things messed up. This can be especially true if you and I have been wounded or rejected in the past, and are longing for some kind of affirmation or validation. Most of us need to be delivered from hidden psychological wounds and issues before we can successfully minister at higher levels. Even the great apostle John, upon seeing the most amazing revelations from God, missed it in Revelation 19:10:

And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!”

John almost worshiped a man instead of God. He probably would have been convinced he was right to do so. After, all, he had seen all these marvelous revelations from God Himself; surely he wouldn’t be wrong. Oh yes, he would be wrong! John even blows it a second time in Revelation 22:9. Even things God has clearly given to us can become stumbling blocks or idols, such as the “bronze serpent” fashioned by Moses in Numbers 21:4-9. It was a symbol of healing in his day, but in 2 Kings 18:4 it had to be destroyed because it became an idol.

If you are a believer, a pastor, teacher, prophet, an apostle or evangelist and you have given yourself to the Lord to minister to others, He has no doubt at times anointed you to minister to His precious Body. You must remember that you are only seeing a part of what God is doing — not the part. The Bible says now we know in part.

Excerpt from “Working Together For Jesus”

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Leaders Often Get Along Until The Children Come Into The Room

leadAnother way to describe this tension in the Church would be to use parents as an illustration. Let’s imagine three or four couples along with their children, having a dinner party at someone’s house. The kids are in the back yard playing while the parents are relaxing over coffee and conversation. There is apparent unity and consensus among them as they enjoy each other’s company.

However, when the children come into the living room to join the conversation so does the potential for friction as the different parenting styles become evident. Everyone keeps their thoughts to themselves but on the ride home each car is filled with comments like “I can’t believe they let their kids act that way,” or “They are so mean to their children,” or “That’s not how I would deal with that situation”. These parents got along until the children came into the room.

This family analogy can also illustrate the sentiments between ministers of the Gospel. It may be easy to get along with other ministers, even from different camps… until the sheep (children) are in the room. Suddenly the gifting in each minister wants to impact the people of God according to their abilities. We sometimes presume we know what the people of God “really” need. Instead of each of us affirming and preferring the other ministers, we can doubt their validity.

Sometimes just being in the same room with someone with a different ministry gift can drive you “bonkers” as they seem to over react or under react to certain things. They can appear to be too intellectual or over spiritual. It is difficult to appreciate where they are coming from and why they are coming from there in the first place! Understanding God’s Assembly Line and Jesus Christ Regional Hospital will give us great insight into how His Kingdom works. As we mature we will be able to love and really appreciate them and their ministries just like our Heavenly Father does. Remember… Jesus is building His Church. It’s the leadership of our churches that must decide if they are going to be part of the bigger picture. If we fail to be mature in this area, our churches and our communities will deteriorate from a place of “completing” each other to a place of “competing” with each other.

Excerpt from “Working Together For Jesus”

The “TOP 10” Reasons Why Christians Should Be Working Together in Their City

10What you are about to read may be new to your understanding about the way Christians are supposed to do “church” and live out their Christianity. Most of what you are about to read will not be taught in the typical local church or Theological Seminary. Most Bible Colleges and Seminaries exist to only emphasize their distinctiveness. In effect they are there to teach why they are different than the other teaching institutions across the country. This isn’t all bad, but it is also not all good. We will show you why in a moment.

We will show you Biblical truth that heretofore hasn’t been taught with the preeminence that the Bible teaches it. We will also try to explain along the way why it isn’t readily taught by most of our current leaders. We do this with the hope of removing the religious and psychological barriers hindering the advancing Church of Jesus Christ. Hang on, this is a road less traveled.  It is a little bumpy, but you are going to love the view.  Jeff Krall

Reason #10

It Was God’s Idea to Comprise the Nation of Israel from 12 Different Tribes

All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father spoke to them. And he blessed them; he blessed each one according to his own blessing. Genesis 49:28

In the beginning God created His people, the Nation of Israel from the 12 sons of Jacob/Israel. Each of these tribes had a specific identity and calling on them. They were unique and played a different role in the national affairs of Israel. They conquered different parts of the Promised Land. They had their own inheritance they were to fight for and settle. From this observation we can also see how the many Denominations and Independent Christian groups are simply tribes in God’s family; they are tributaries that comprise the Great River of God. Each one of these groups are stewards of the manifold wisdom of God as it is being unfolded through the centuries (Ephesians 3:10). They were given some truth or revelation from God for their generation. They aren’t supposed to be like the other tribes. In fact the only two areas where they were supposed to be unified, is in worship and warfare. They worship the same God, Jehovah; and they fought the same enemy, Satan and his imps.

The reason this is important to see in our contemporary setting is that there are many Christian leaders today who fall into two extremes. The first is to think their tribe or religious organization is the only correct one. It is good to be proud of your spiritual heritage. It is good to be a faithful steward of the particular scriptural emphasis God has given your organization. But there is a dangerous kind of pride that results in elitism and territorialism. This results in an arrogant superiority complex that insists on everyone being like them before they will fellowship and work with them.

Be Careful – Don’t Start Another “Anti-Denomination Denomination”

The second extreme is the belief that all denominations are wrong and not of God. This results in some starting their own organization. Remember, the prideful separatist spirit that often comes with denominations is unhealthy; but the truth or revelation that God has revealed through them is not.  People who believe that all denominations are bad usually end up starting their own movement, which unbeknownst to them results in another denomination called the “non-denominational denomination”.  The same separatist spirit they criticize in other organizations results in them forming another separate organization, church or network that isolates itself from the rest of the Body of Christ.

Our point here is God likes and designed unified diversity in His creation, in Israel and in His Church. Let’s not try to make everybody like us. Let’s also realize we need each other to be the whole Body of Christ, the whole Nation of the Lord. We are here to complete each other, not compete with each other. Therefore let’s lessen the hyper criticisms about denominations and ask ourselves, what are we currently doing to unite the Body Christ?

Reason #9

There Must Be Unity Before There’s Power

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is; For brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing— Life forevermore. Psalm 133:1-3

These three verses of scripture hold a powerful key the Church in our communities is missing. The place where the brethren dwell together in unity is the place where the Lord commands the blessing. In Acts 2:4, they were in one accord before the power fell. Peter’s shadow could heal the sick because the Church was in one city in one accord. Just like Jesus who was all together in one place in His human body did awesome miracles, so we will see the miracles again when we assemble all the parts of Jesus’ body today in one place in our town. Concentrated Jesus is what is lacking in our churches and communities.

Think about this scenario. A father comes home from a day of work and walks into his house to hear his children fighting and screaming at each other. One stole a toy from the other. One smacked the other and the third one is cussing and calling the other one terrible names. Do you think their father is about to bless them and take them out for ice cream? No way! Blessing isn’t what is about to rain on them … a swift paddle on their back side is more likely to come into their world. Yet much of the Church is treating their brothers and sisters the same way and are praying and expecting God’s blessing. No sane father blesses his children when they are fighting and attacking each other. However when they love on each other it pleases him greatly, resulting in him giving great reward. So whether it’s a home, a church or a city, to the degree there is maturity expressed in oneness there will be power released from the Lord.

That’s Not Satan We Are Fighting; It’s God!

Another example of how we are often far from God’s full blessing can be illustrated by some intercessors and pastors who were praying and fasting for revival in their city. One of them said the Holy Spirit told them the name of the principality hindering the move of God in their city.  Its name was “Yahweh”. The Lord showed them that God Himself was actually resisting the Church in their community. Why? God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. God was showing them they didn’t need to worry about the devil and his crew. If He was displeased by their divisions and strife in the Church, He was the One who they should be concerned with.

The Bible states in Psalm 133, that God will command the blessing “there”! Where is there?  There, is the place where the brethren dwell together in unity. God commands it because of the nature of spiritual warfare fighting against this unity. He commands “life evermore” because “life” is what we need in our churches and cities. Life is that essence or force which stops atrophy, decay and death. Life is the one commodity man cannot produce in spite of all of our sophisticated religious knowledge. We need God’s life to manifest, to sprout in our midst and push back the death and demonic power in our families, our churches and in our communities.

Look Where the Oil Goes

We see from the Scriptures that when there is unity among the brethren the sacred anointing oil representing the precious Holy Spirit descends upon the leadership (the head of Aaron) of the Church or community. It is God’s endorsement that the organization’s leadership pleases Him so much that He anoints it with blessing – life evermore. Dear leader, could this anointing oil also represent God’s acknowledgement that we have effectively led the people of God into a mature understanding of unity? Do we have the necessary humility and maturity that qualifies us for more heavenly endorsement?

Reason #8

It’s About Our Father

Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” So He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven… Luke 11:1, 2

Here we see what is commonly called the Lord’s Prayer, but is really the Disciples’ Prayer. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.  It is important for every believer to realize that when addressing God, Jesus wanted us to remember that He is OUR Father, not just My Father.  The very model of prayer Jesus gave for every believer starts with an emphasis on our relationship to God and one another. Jesus wants us always mindful that when in prayer we have brothers and sisters with whom we need to be in right relationship. Everything about God’s being reflects relationship.

The Godhead itself screams diversified unity as the very essence of God’s nature and being. We cannot escape the fact that our Christianity is irrevocably connected to other brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible has over 30 “one another” commands which show us that we can’t be an authentic Christian who is isolated from other believers.

Reason #7

Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is in Heaven

Your kingdom come, Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Luke 11: 2

Perhaps one of the most astounding blind spots in the Church today is the disconnection between what is going on in heaven and what is happening here on earth. What is going on in heaven?  Discerning what is going on up there is the key to what we need to believe for down here. First of all, at the risk of sounding like a “space cadet” out of touch with reality I will tell you that I have been to heaven. So have you if you have read your Bible with a heart of faith. Have you experienced the Holy Spirit and discovered the language of the Spirit, visions and dreams? Have you seen yourself seated with Christ in heavenly places? Has your inner man breathed heavenly atmosphere? All believers who have been born from above will at some level experience heaven before we get there. Let me tell you what I have seen in the Spirit, I trust it will bear witness with you and the scriptures.

First of all, there are no divisions and strife in heaven. No one is jockeying for the head position for it has already been filled by Jesus Christ Himself. Not one leader is seeking to promote themselves or is insisting to be the preeminent pastor or bishop or apostle in the room. The Lordship of Jesus is so glorious and all consuming no one even considers exalting themselves above another.

There is complete forgiveness among everyone in heaven as the reality of the depth of each one’s sins have been found out yet met with God’s amazing grace. There is immeasurable gratefulness and humility for even being allowed to be there. There is unalterable unity and appreciation among its citizens as they work seamlessly together for the glory of God’s expanding kingdom. There are waves of liquid love and joy unspeakable as the reality of Jesus and His benevolent reign saturates every corner of the heavenly realm in perfect peace. And there is unfettered, explosive worship from everyone whose focus is on the King of kings and the Lord of lords. It is clear; heaven has one star, one leader and it is the LORD!  This is not a fairy tale. This is the real reality of our universe.

This is Our Bull’s Eye, Our Touchdown, Our Finish Line.

This is what we are to pray will happen here on earth, in our communities and churches. Anything less would be ignorance and unbelief, or worse, downright rebellion to the Lord’s rightful place in our midst. Thy kingdom come is more than a verse we hang on our refrigerators, this is a command for us to pray and believe for. This is not a vain exercise without an expectation to see results here. This is our bull’s eye, our touchdown, our finish line. This should be the reality our efforts are working towards.

Failure to discern what is going on in heaven is an indication we have not been fellowshipping with Christ in heavenly places. We have been too immersed in our religious kingdoms. We have become shortsighted, earthly minded. Your focus is your future. It is time we focus on what Jesus told us to focus on. Let’s focus on His kingdom come; His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I often ask ministers what is the greatest example of the Lord’s presence among us. The common responses are usually people being saved, manifestations of healings or other spiritual gifts. These are great things to behold. I submit the greatest manifestation of the Lord being in our midst is when the elders, the pastors and leaders of our community throw their crowns at Jesus’ feet and fall on their faces in humble worship. There is no greater indicator that the true King is among us then when people who are lesser kings and lords fall on their faces in humble adoration of Jesus. In our minister’s gatherings the tangible presence of the Master is always proportional to how much we are willing to cease from self promotion, preferring the Lord.  It is true of our churches and communities as well.

Reason #6

Jesus Recognizes His Church by Its Geography Not By the Signs on Our Buildings

To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours. 1 Corinthians 1:2

Throughout the Scriptures we see God speaking to cities and regions. Epistles were written to the Church of Corinth, Ephesus, Galatia, Philadelphia, Thyatira, Laodicea etc. What can we learn from this?  Jesus recognizes His Church by their geography not by the signs over our buildings. He speaks to the city elders or messengers of these cities and charges them with the spiritual well being of the Church in that region. If the Lord only recognizes His Church by its geography, shouldn’t we? Do you discern the Body of Christ outside your four walls? Can you see it? As we said before we often become myopic and develop tunnel vision when we only work on what’s going on inside our ministries. The maturing saint will see what Jesus recognizes as His Church.

Reason #5

We are Babies and Even Carnal, If There are Divisions Among Us

Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloe’s household, that there are contentions among you. Now I say this, that each of you says, “I am of Paul,” or “I am of Apollos,” or “I am of Cephas,” or “I am of Christ.” Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? 1 Corinthians 1:10-12

Scripture tells us to speak the same thing. There should be no divisions among us. What are we doing to obey this? Why do we let divisions to continue? Is your God powerless to do something about this?  Have you become part of “the great falling away” the Scriptures warn us about? What I mean by that is: “Have you fallen from the faith that believes the Lord is going to bring His Church to maturity”?  Where are the fathers and discerning leaders in our ministries and in our communities who can mediate these situations as they arise? Remember, when the Church is in unity we automatically win the battle with Satan and his hordes. That’s why he fights so hard to create divisions, and that’s why God’s leaders need to fight even harder to expose his efforts.

And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men? For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not carnal? 1 Corinthians 3:1-4

Four times in this text the Bible calls us carnal or fleshly because we are allowing divisions instead of Christ to rule the day. Regardless of how we think of our religious status or our prominence within our religious institution or church, the Bible says we are “in the flesh” when we are divided from one another. It doesn’t matter what we say to each other to justify our condition … the Bible makes it clear who we really are in light of Scripture. I pray we all find a healthy dose of humility from the diagnosis of the Word of God.

We Don’t Make Unity, We Keep It

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.  Ephesians 4:1-6

It is important to note that we don’t create unity; we are to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace that already exists. The discerning believer recognizes the unity of the Spirit and cooperates with it anywhere on planet earth. There is a present unity of the Spirit no matter where you are in the world. Heaven’s atmosphere is available to everyone in every place. We don’t try to work hard to manufacture this unity; it is already in existence because it is the nature of our God who is everywhere. It is like your favorite radio station. It is transmitting through you right now as you read this book. All you need is the equipment to tune into the right frequency. The same is true with the unity of the Spirit (heaven’s atmosphere). It is transmitting through the walls of religious bigotry and legalism in your situation too. It just takes a little teaching on how to tune it in. The fact that you are reading this material will greatly help your reception.

Reason #4

If Jesus Ordained You Then You Will Work to See the Body of Christ Joined and Knit Together

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God … joined and knit together by what every joint  supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. Ephesians 4:11-16

We need to evaluate if our ordination for ministry comes from heaven or from a man made organization. Beware; if your ministry organization “ordained” you, you will often work to see it grow up into maturity instead of the Church of Jesus Christ. This is called building “my kingdom” in Jesus’ name.  If your organization ordained you, you will inevitably work to build it up.

If Jesus ordained you, then you will build the Body of Christ. It is that simple. For many, this distinction doesn’t become apparent until they go through God’s school of preparation and die to their self-life. We write about this process in our book “Roadkill Seminary”. This breaking causes the Christian leader to have a wakeup call to the real ministry instead of just being a company man.

If Jesus Christ ordained you, you will have an unquenchable desire to see the whole Body of Christ grow up into Him and become joined and knit together. That’s why Jesus gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to the Church in the first place. Please look at these verses with fresh eyes.  Have you been building a denomination or a religious company all these years? Or have you been building the “spiritual house” of the Lord in your area?  Are you connecting the body parts?

Maybe you, like so many other leaders, have been focused on the scaffolding rather than the actual House of the Lord in your community. There is a temptation to focus only on our ministry within our four walls because that is where we feel successful and derive our sense of value or our incomes. That is how we compare ourselves with the banker, the doctor and the dentist; by how our practice looks to others. However we should be more concern about how we are pleasing the One who ordained us for the purpose He set forth in Scripture.

Reason #3

This is Authentic Christianity According to Jesus

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:33, 34

According to Jesus the world would know we are genuine disciples by our love for one another. This is how they will know you and I are the real deal – Love for one another (not just love for the Lost!).  Does the world see this in us? Is it hard for us to love Christians who are different from us because we are using our particular religious system to gain God’s approval? Are we still trying to make ourselves worthy of God’s love and acceptance by keeping our camp’s set of rules and rituals? Could it be we are more rule oriented than relationship oriented? Does this leave us loveless and disconnected from the other believers from different camps?

Reason #2

Our Relationships Reveal How Much Light We Are Walking In

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

 He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now. He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. 1 John 2:9-11

The proof we are walking in the Christ’s light is revealed by our relationships with one another. The level of fellowship we have with members of the Body of Christ reveals what level of light we are walking in. If we walk in the light as He is in the light we will have fellowship with one another. If you can only get along with one other believer you have a small level of light you are walking in. Getting along with people in your home group is another level of Christ’s light you are walking in. As you grow in Christlikeness you will be able to walk in more light which will enable you to have meaningful fellowship with an entire church, denomination, city or nation. How much light are you walking in?  I find it amazing as a leader in a local church that I can walk in fellowship with all who come to our house of worship, yet many within the same church will not get along with people different from them. They’ve chosen to stay at their low level of light.

I don’t know about you but I want more of God. He is light and love. He loves everyone. So if you are going to be like Him or be near Him you better plan on losing your dark areas and step into the light as you fellowship with believers from different streams.

Reason #1

We Are To Be the Answer to the Real Lord’s Prayer

I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me. John 17:20-23

The last free night of Jesus’ ministry on earth we get to hear Him pray the most important thing on His heart. The Holy Spirit records the most intimate and precious words the Son of God ever uttered in the Bible and we get to listen in. This is awesome! What would be on your mind if you were on your death bed? What would you say to your family if you only had hours to live? What would be your last prayer for them? I guarantee it would be the most important thing on your heart. What is the single most important thing to Jesus Christ? This is a very important moment so pay close attention.

The answer is, that we would be One as He and the Father is One, so the world would know He is the Savior of the world. It is absolutely astonishing beyond all belief that just about every Theological Seminary and Bible School misses the importance of this sacred point made by our Savior. Almost every Christian organization has a Statement of Faith or list of Orthodox Doctrines necessary to be considered an authentic Christian or minister. Yet according to Jesus Himself the world would only recognize we were authentic followers of His by our love for one another and our Oneness with God and each other. Did Jesus know something about the cynical culture of the last generation? Did He know in the last days the love of many would grow cold and would need to see true love before they would believe Jesus was sent by God? Or is it true that in spite of all the religious jargon we use, people know when they see a sham and when they are witnessing authentic Christian love and unity … the kind that is a foretaste of heaven?

If you are still tracking with me and believe this is the missing element or as they say the “weakest link” in our testimony to the world, then listen to this. The standard of unity we are called to is no less than that of the unity of the Godhead. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three who are one.  This isn’t some surface religious unity we are talking about. This is not about fake smiles and superficial Sunday morning relationships. This is the essence of heaven’s source of life. This is the kind of oneness every true believer is drawn to like protons and electrons are drawn to the nucleus of an atom.

According to the Bible, Jesus’ method for world evangelism is our ONENESS. (The word “glory” is mentioned 8 times and “world” an astounding 19 times in the Lord’s Prayer). Jesus knows the end time generation would need something more than religious activities and buildings. To get the world’s attention, He calls us to Oneness. Due to iniquity abounding and the love of many waxing cold, only the glory of the unified Body of Christ can reveal the Spirit of Christ in a penetrating way. God’s unity of Spirit displayed on the canvas of flawed humanity will erase all the bad reputations of the Church and Christians alike. You may not have faith to believe for this oneness in your city but you can start with teaching your children, your cell group, and your church to believe and be part of the remnant Church, preparing herself as a bride.

Still unconvinced believers will get their act together? Don’t worry! Jesus prayed for this and Jesus always gets his prayers answered.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! For there the Lord commanded the blessing—Life forevermore.

Excerpt from “Working Together For Jesus”

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